I remember one day I was having a particular bad day with the sensations, really bad.
It reminded me of the times I didn’t know what was going on and I couldn’t sleep, when I’d beat my pillows and blankets on the floor and cry because I didn’t know what was biting me
Anyway, this day after I did know and was having a horrible time with sensations, I knew it could’ve been the Medix 5.5 Retinol Body Lotion I used. I like using their Medix 5.5 Hyaluronic Acid Skin Care Cream and tretinoin, but not this. Especially tret on the little places I get sensations as a spot treatment.
This day was not a spot treatment day, this day was a full body day as the sensations were horrible.
I made a paste of Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade and apple cider vinegar, got naked in the shower with no water and covered my body with it while I was letting it dry (which is very important to let it dry) anywhere I would feel sensations I applied more and let that dry. I was probably in there for almost an hour, finally it all died down and I showered, took a nice hot bath with vitamin c Epsom salts and I was great to go for the day!
Absolutely Essential and make sure it’s organic if you can
I cannot say this enough, the most absolutely important thing is to clean yourself from the inside out and create a super immune system in the most healthy way possible. This also means getting proper rest.
Cycles are common with Morgellons and Lyme. Don’t get discouraged.
I remember the first time I began treatment, I really started to clear up and then after that was a very nasty cycle where I didn’t feel good, (lethargic, icky, and the sensations of crawling and biting briefly again) stuff (fibers, specks, crystals) were pouring out of me. It was discouraging, and the cycles would occur about once every 2 weeks, but with staying diligent on my treatment and diet every cycle after was less and less severe to eventually nothing. This is your body detoxing and although it doesn’t feel good at the time, it’s an extremely great thing! You are getting rid of it once and for all!
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, though I do have many in my family. Please contact a doctor who specializes in Morgellons if you think you may have it
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